Astra Pastelowe Colored Pencils and Holbein 50 Set Of Pastel Tone Colored Pencils

In this review I will be mostly talking a look at the Pastelowe Colored Pencils, but also comparing the 50 set of Holbein Pastel Tone Colored Pencils. In the past six or seven months, the colored pencil community has been, pleasantly bombarded with pastel toned colored pencil sets. On their own, pastel tone colored pencil sets are fairly limited, but in addition to a secondary traditional set of colored pencils they are incredibly helpful.

Wax or Oil Colored Pencils Myth or Fact ?

Before we get into the nitty gritty of this article, please let me say that I am in no way telling artists how they should or should not categories their supplies, how we all categorise our art supplies is a completely personal affaire as is the way we use them.

Staedtler Tinted Watercolour Pencils

The Staedtler Tinted Watercolor Pencils sport a hexagonal 7.0mm barrel with a 3.4mm core, which is quite average for a colored pencil core. The barrels themselves are a gun metal grey color, with each pencil looking identical, on the very end of each barrel, where the pencil is capped, there is a small indication of the color present in the core of the pencil.

Christmas Stocking Filler List For Artists

As I am sure you are aware, this year, I have put together 5 Christmas Gift Guides for The Art Gear Guide and Ann Kullberg’s Color Magazine. This is something I have done every Christmas for the past five or six years, although the previous years I have compiled two or three.

The Perfect Christmas List For Art Enthusiasts | Christmas 2021

Well guys, it is that time of the year again and in true Art Gear Guide and Ann Kullberg Color Magazine tradition, I have come up with some ideas for you this Christmas. Now this guide is exactly just that, a guide, but a special guide, one that can be accidentally on purpose placed in front of your loved ones, with a prominent red circle around it, perhaps the odd spot light, beamed upon the gift you would most like them to get you this Christmas.

Art Book Gift Guide Christmas 2021

It was at this stage of my art journey that I knew YouTube may not cut the mustard and so I started seeking artistic knowledge through the various art books on the market and as a bonus, some of the books are from artists I have long admired and look up to for inspiration and guidance through my art.

The Artists Christmas Gift List 2021

This year I have published 5 different lists, a Luxury List, Enthusiasts List, Art Books List, Stocking Filler List and the list you are about to view; The Artists Christmas Gift List. The items I have included in this list are all products for the Artist in your life. Now, we are all artists in our own right, but the people I am referring to in this list are those who absolutely need highly lightfast products, products that can be used on their commission, art gallery exhibits or next competition entry.

Luxury Art Supply Christmas Gift Guide 2021

Alternatively, if you are fortunate enough to own all you need regarding art supplies, then perhaps the Christmas guides I have provided this year will aid you in your decision making process when it comes to buying for the artist loved one or friend in your life. I am also aware of the fact there are many of my artist friends who do not celebrate Christmas and that is absolutely wonderful for diversity of cultures, religions, ideas and art is what we should all strive for. That being said, everyone is entitled to be spoilt and this guide is good all year round.

Review of Xencelabs Tablet and Pen Digital Art

I am sure most of you reading this article are what I would refer to as, “Traditional artists”, in other words, artists who use colored pencils, paint, canvas, paper etc. However, with the emergence of the Digital age and how almost all of us walk around with a computer more powerful than the computers that launched Apollo 11 to the moon, in our pockets, art is expanding into that digital forum.

Review Of Paul Rubens Watercolors.

In this review we take a look at the 24 set of Paul Ruben Watercolors, this is a set of traditional colors and we also take a look at the 24 set of Paul Ruben Pearlescent Watercolors. In the review we take a look at the Lightfast ratings of the colors, prices of sets and of course the performance of the paints.

Ohuhu Alcohol Marker Review

In this review we take a look at the Ohuhu Alcohol Markers. Ohuhu reached out to me a few months ago and asked if I would like to review their markers, of course I was more than happy to do this. I know that I am very late to the party when it concerns reviewing the Ohuhu Markers, many wonderful reviewers have already reviewed them and so I hope that at this late stage I can add something of value to the Ohuhu Markers.