Black Widow Dragon Colored Pencils And Huge Free Giveaway — The Art Gear Guide

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Black Widow Dragon Colored Pencils And Huge Free Giveaway

Black Widow Dragon Colored Pencils And Huge Free Giveaway

Black Widow Dragon Colored Pencils And Huge Free Giveaway.

In this post, we take a look at the brand new pencils from Black Widow, the 36 set of Dragon Colored Pencils. For those of you that may be new to colored pencils or just not aware of the Black Widow Range, I am going to give a brief overview and bring you up to speed.

I am sure that other Reviewers have shown the Black Widow Dragon Colored Pencils, so I hope that this post from me will show the pencils in a slightly different way, if that is at all possible. If you would like to know the background of the Black Widow brand, who came up with the pencils and the amazing cause that the pencils came to help and represent, follow my link to my first ever review and I talk about this in detail.

Black Widow

The first set of pencils in the Black Widow range were of course the 24 set of Black Widow Colored Pencils, this set went down a treat to so many colored pencil enthusiast. They are not artist quality pencils, in fact none of the pencil in the Black Widow range are lightfast or artist quality, but they are fantastic pencils.

The original Black Widow pencils came in a set of 24, the tin sports an awesome image of a Black Widow spider, as well as a Black Widow logo on the barrel. The barrel of the pencils are jet black with blood red print along the barrel.


The next set from Black Widow was the 24 set of Scorpion Colored Pencils, keeping in with the gothic creepy crawly theme, the Scorpion set sported a fantastic image of a scorpion on the tin. Also the pencils themselves provided the same jet black wood barrels only this time the print on the barrel was bright white.

On the very end of the barrel was a cool scorpion logo in white which looks fantastic against the dark wood barrel. As with the Black Widow, the pigment name was printed along the barrel, as well as the pencil name “Scorpion”, the logo and the pigment code.


By this point, the Black Widow pencils had well and truly taken hold of the artists and a new set was very much in demand, this was when the 24 set of Cobra Colored Pencils were released. As with the other two sets, the tin of the Cobra was incredibly striking, sporting a gold Cobra, coiled and ready to strike.

The familiar jet black barrels were a welcomed not on opening the new Cobra, only this time the print along the barrel was in gold. On the end go the jet black hexagonal barrel was the logo of the coiled Cobra in Gold, this was followed by the pigment name and the pencil name.

Light And Dark Skin Tones

The previous three sets of the Black Widow, Scorpion and Cobra gave us a wonderful palette to chose from but many wanted a few more skin tones, true to type, Black Widow listened to their customers and delivered more than a few skin tones. Two sets of 12 Skin Tone Colored Pencil sets were released bringing the Black Widow total colored pencils to a whopping 96.

The Skin tone Colored Pencils were split into two sets, Skin Tone Light and Skin Tone Dark, allowing the Colored Pencil artists to select a set based on their preference of simply buy them both. For me personally the Dark Skin Tone set of 12 were by far the most gorgeous colors. Unlike the Black Widow, Scorpion and Cobra, the Skin Tone sets had pigment identifiers on the end of the jet black barrels, making selecting colors so much easier.


Not very long after both skin tone sets were released, Black Widow went a bit up market and delivered a most wonderful palette in the brand new 48 Set called Monarch. The Monarch set delivered a very welcomed palette of pastel tones, tones that a lot of colored pencil sets, at that time, were lacking. This new set of 48 brought the total Black Widow range to an eye watering 144 Colored Pencils, at which point I think most of us thought we had been spoilt enough.

The Monarch set sported the majestic Monarch Stag on the front cover, as with the Skin Tone pencils, the Monarch pencils also sported an inch long pigment identifier on the end of the barrel. The print along the barrel was in gold starting with a beautiful Monarch Head logo, followed by the name of the pencils and the pigment name and finishing off with the pigment code.

Dragon Colored Pencils

Just when we thought that Albert at Black Widow had given us all a wonder collection of colored pencils, whether we wanted to select our own sets or collect them all, the Dragon is released, leaving us all gobsmacked, but incredibly happy.

The actual pencils in the Dragon set are exactly the same as all of the other Black Widow range, so if you would like to know more about how the pencils lay down, blend etc, you can check out my other reviews. For this particular post I will be mainly showing you the new palette in the Dragon set and also showcasing the entire range of colors, helping you to see the bigger picture over all.

Unfortunately for this post I have not completed any artwork, but I will be completing a piece over the Christmas period using all of the colors available to me from the entire Black Widow range. Also I am incredibly ecstatic to announce that three lucky people will be able to win a set of the Dragon Colored Pencils, that is a 36 Set of Dragon Colored Pencils a set each for three different people, hence the lack of artwork as I wanted to announce this wonderful giveaway before Christmas.

As I have mentioned, this is a 36 set of Dragon Colored Pencils, extending the Black Widow range to a whopping 180 colored pencils. This is a wonderful selection of pencils both in quality and pigment choice, I am so incredibly looking forward to completing some beautiful artwork with them.

On the front of the tin, as I am sure you could guess, is a fantastic image of a Dragon looking menacing, yet very chilled at the same time, almost looking as if daring the artist to open the tin. The Dragon pencils reminded me a little bit of the original Black Widow pencils, almost like a hat tip to the originals with the blood red print running along the jet black barrel.

The Dragon barrels also sport an inch long pigment identifier on the end, as is the case with the Skin Tone Pencils and Monarch, this just makes selection a little bit visually easier. Although the Black Widow, Cobra and Scorpion pencils look amazing with their barrels completely black, selecting some of the darker colors can be difficult.

Along the Dragon barrels there is a small Dragon Logo close to the core, followed by the pencil name “Dragon”, the Pigment Name and finally a code for the pigment. I personally think the palette compliments the other sets and when you see all of the sets swatched together you can get a better understanding of the colors available.

If I had to pick one flaw with the Dragon set and it would be a push to even mention this flaw, I would say the reds and pinks are perhaps a bit overpowering, they could have perhaps dropped one or two and added in an extra couple of blues.

Entire Black Widow Color Range

As you can see, this is the entire color range from the Black Widow line, I personally feel the excellent thing about the way the Black Widow range has been delivered to us, in individual sets, as a colored pencil artist, you may be able to look at one of the sets and leave it off your list because you already have a similar palette elsewhere.

You don’t have to get the entire collection and I think this is the reason Albert has split the range into these wonderful sets, rather than one large 180 set. You can pick and chose which palette will suit your style better and given the price point that the Black Widow sets sell at, most people will not have an issue buying the sets they want. Albert has done an amazing job at trying to make the Black Widow range financially accessible to as many people as possible.

With special thanks to Albert, he sent me 4 sets of the brand new Dragon Colored Pencils from Black Widow to test and review and as always, he tells me to do what I like with the sets. As always, you guys know me well by now, my first thought was an awesome free global giveaway.

This is all thanks to Albert and so credit must go to Albert for this giveaway. To find out more details on how to win a set of these amazing colored pencils from Black Widow, click on the huge black button above.

Dragon Black Widow Conclusion

I have been so lucky to be part of the Black Widow range from the beginning, Albert reached out to me years ago now asking if I would review the Black Widow Colored Pencils when they came in small cardboard boxes and not tins. Since this time Albert and I have kept in touch and I can’t even begin to tell you how much of an amazing bloke he really is.

The Black Widow range, as I have already mentioned, is not artist quality, in other words they are not lightfast tested, however, that is not to say that they are not good quality, because they are. The Black Widow colored pencils are fantastic for adult colouring book artists, crafters and artists such as myself who draw to please only myself and to help with my own mental health issues.

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