Faber Castell Polychromos, Caran d'Ache Pablo and Holbein Colored Pencils Artwork Comparison
Faber Castell Polychromos, Caran d'Ache Pablo and Holbein Colored Pencils Artwork Comparison
The artwork in this article is the result of comparing three colored pencil brands, Caran d’Ache Pablo, Faber Castell Polychromos and Holbein Colored Pencils. If you would like to see more about the YouTube video comparison or the written comparison, check the bottom of the article for the links.
Faber Castell Polychromos
Caran d’Ache Pablo
Holbein Colored Pencils
If you would like to see the YouTube video comparison video you can follow the link, alternatively you can check out the written review where I also compare pricing and lightfast information, to read the written comparison simply follow the link.