New Derwent Chromaflow 150 Set Of Coloured Pencils

In this article we will be taking a look at the brand new 150 set of Derwent Chromaflow Coloured Pencils. This is not an actual review of the Chromaflow pencil, I have reviewed this pencil before and if you would like to check out the characteristics of the pencil, how they blend, layer and behave on certain paper, simply follow the link to the original review.

Are Parents Getting It Wrong When Buying Art Supplies For Their Kids

Before I get started in this article, I want to make clear this is not a blame game or finger pointing exercise, I would never in a million years try to tell parents how they should parent. The information in this post focuses on huge mistakes my wife and I made with our kids when they were growing up, for what it is worth, I hope you can learn from our mistakes and apply what you may find helpful to your kids.

Luxury Italian Leather Journals

In this article we are going to be looking at some of the most gorgeous Journals I have ever seen or used, these Italian Leather Journals are hand crafter in Italy providing that authentic artesan feel. This written version of my review will be relatively short, simply highlighting the important details such as paper type, various journal types and most important, the company name and how to place an order with them should you wish to do so.

Temu Art Supplies Bargain or Rubbish?

This is less a review and more a conclusion to my own personal experiment and hopefully the information within said experiment will be helpful to you. Also, before I go any further into the article, I would love to hear your experience of buying from Temu? When I first ordered art supplies from AliExpress, I was nervous due to the fact, most if not all the sellers are located in China, India, Japan etc.

Top 5 Artist Quality Colored Pencils

For me the pencils in my Top 5 Artist Quality Colored Pencils list were really difficult to put in order. The only pencil that I was certain about was 1st place, but let’s get into my all time favourite top 5 artist quality colored pencils. After going through the list, let me know if you agree with my list or if you would put them in different order or perhaps you may even have a completely different top 5 artist quality list, leave your list in the comment section, I’d love to know.

Seeing Essence Colored Pencil Review

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you like to shop for your art supplies and where in the world you live, this review is of another Chinese brand colored pencil. However, before you stop reading, give this pencil a chance as I think there is something quite special about it, so sit back with a coffee, tea or refreshment of your choice, and let me show you my Seeing Essence Colored Pencil Review.

Derwent Inktense 100 Set Review Colored Pencils

In this review we take a deep dive into the Derwent Inktense Colored Pencils, this is a product completely unique to Derwent and although not a new product in the art world, the 100 set is very much new. In this review we will take a look at the characteristics of the pencil, the various sets available in the Inktense range, tests I have conducted and artwork.

Prismacolor Verithin Best Alternative

Often, artists in various parts of the world, are unable to get hold of a product they have once used or watched their favourite artist used and so I will be asked if I know of a good alternative. One such art supply I have been asked a lot about is the Prismacolor Verithin, this is a colored pencil, many colored pencil artists love to use for its precision

Faber Castell Black Edition Vs Faber Castell Classic Red Colored Pencils.

As soon as I started the testing process of the Faber Castell Black Edition, I thought that a comparison video against the Faber Castell Classic Red set would be beneficial as both sets are aimed at similar artist groups. I wanted to test both pencils and see how they compare against each other and hopefully this will be an interesting and helpful video for those looking to purchase either of the sets.

Arrtx Sketching Pencils Review

The Arrtx Sketching Pencils come in what I think is the perfect graphite grade scale and that is 4H to 8B. I will get into each grade in more detail soon, but I have reviewed graphite sets where the scale goes as high as 9H and I personally think when you get to that grade, all you are doing is drawing with clay and scratching the heck out of your expensive paper.

Derwent Push Button Water Brush Assorted Set Review

I hope this review does not appear to mundane to some of you, or you are of the opinion, as I was before long, that a water brush is a water brush and there is not much difference to them. As I say, I was once of the same opinion, however this set of push button water brushes from Derwent really changed my outlook.

Phoenixcolor Colored Pencils Vs Marco Tribute Master Collection 80 Set Of Colored Pencils

I can totally understand why these two brands of colored pencils have been requested so much. Let’s get the very obvious similarities out of the way from the beginning. Both the Phoenixcolor and Marco Tribute Master Collection are incredibly eloquently packaged, both of the sets I have on review are packaged in a similar style to that of the Tom Bow Irojiten, another lavishly packaged pencil.

Arrtx 48 Set Of Soft Pastels

In this review we take a look at a brand new product from Arrtx, it is the Arrtx 48 set of Soft Pastels. Arrtx are the company behind some excellent art supplies being sold at affordable prices with excellent quality items. In this review we take a look at the pastel quality, layering and blending, I also supply a botanical art piece on Clairefontaine Pastelmat

My Top 5 Artist Grade Colored Pencils

In the seven years that I have been reviewing colored pencils and other art supplies, I have come to the conclusion that there is a difference between, Artist Grade and Artist Quality colored pencils. Let me explain. In my opinion, a colored pencil that is Artist Grade has been lightfast tested only under the Blue Wool or ASTM system, and you will be surprised at how few there are in this group.