All tagged Prismacolor Premier

The Softest Cored Colored Pencils, Derwent Chromaflow, Prismacolor Premier, Derwent ColourSoft and ??

With the introduction of the new Derwent 150 set of Chromaflow, there has been a lot of talk about the Chromaflow and comparing them to other popular pencils. Only a few days ago I created a post comparing the Derwent Chromaflow with the Derwent ColourSoft, which was a popular comparison, however; I think it is safe to assume that the most sought after comparison is that of the Prismacolor.

Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencil Review

Over the past year or so I have been pretty critical of Prismacolor Premier pencils and this is the reason why. When I first got into colored pencils, the vast majority of the YouTube videos about spoke mainly of Prismacolor and so they were the pencils I wanted to get.