Post Malone Graphite And Charcoal Drawing
Post Malone Graphite And Charcoal Drawing
I completed this Post Malone Graphite and Charcoal Drawing in an attempt to help demonstrate the Kalour Sketching and Drawing Set I have just reviewed. I have to say I was really happy with the outcome and quite proud, I don’t ordinarily try human portraiture, although I absolutely love the idea of being able to effectively draw portraits.
I completed this drawing on some Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Velum Paper, for me and the products I was testing, this was the perfect paper to use, a little bit of tooth and a relatively inexpensive paper. Not in all cases, but sometimes when using a student grade art product, using a high quality paper doesn’t always make sense. I high quality paper will help enhance the student quality product, but if you are wanting to sell the original piece, given the lack of lightfast ratings in the product, a beautiful quality paper like the Strathmore 300 Series Bristol Velum will be sufficient.
If you would like to watch my YouTube review on the 70 piece Kalour Sketching and Drawing set, follow the link , I have also provided a speed drawing video of this artwork which you can watch by following the link and finally, as always, I have included a highly detailed written account of the Kalour Sketching and Drawing set which you can read by following the link.