The Art Gear Guide is your one stop shop for the most recent, up to date, honest reviews on all your favourite art supply products.
As I mentioned in my YouTube video titled, "My Art Setup", I have decided to set up this page and fully dedicate it to your art setups or Studios.
I have always had a strange fascination for viewing other art studios or office spaces where authors sit and create their next big novel. As it turns out, I am not alone and a lot of you love this as a past time also.
In order to have your studio or art setup published on this page and web site, simply take the best quality images you can of your space and art supplies and email them to Along with your images, you can also include information about yourself, your web site, social networking platforms and the type of art you love etc, general information about yourself that may help advertise your site or selling your art.
Caran d'Ache Luminance 76
120 Faber Castell Polychromos
120 Caran d'Ache Pablo
Fine Liners
Robax Colored Pencil Storage System
To see a larger size of the images below just click the image. To have your art setup featured simply email your images to along with your web site details, studio details etc if you would like them published.